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Another MicroGerm Defense Success Story: Getting Your Business Open with MicroGerm Defense

Another MicroGerm Defense Success Story: Getting Your Business Open with MicroGerm Defense

April 14, 2020 / Category:Blog, Business

Frank – I just wanted to thank you for your incredible response and professionalism with addressing our needs.  I first spoke with you on Monday and you were able to work with me and schedule the treatment for that next Saturday morning – fantastic!  You and your team were able to treat our 6,000+ square [...]

MRSA: The not-so-famous superbug

August 05, 2019 / Category:Blog

Staphylococcus aureus bacterial colonies on blood agar plate
Last year Daniel Fells, a tight end for the New York Giants, was hospitalized with a bad infection in his foot known as MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a drug-resistant form of staph. The infection didn’t respond to antibiotics, and at one point there was talk of needing to amputate the […]

Candida auris: Truth and Consequences

August 05, 2019 / Category:Blog

The front-page New York Times article, “A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy” and its companion pieces, “Candida Auris: The Fungus Nobody Wants to Talk About” and “Culture of Secrecy Shields Hospitals With Outbreaks of Drug-Resistant Infections” have sparked a lot of important conversations and concern about a fungus that has surprised many with […]